Ghost Story – Lainie Hackett

I stayed at the Belleview Biltmore back in July of 2005. I have had experience with the spirit world my whole life, however, my stay at the Biltmore drove me into a persistent fascination with the paranormal. Today, I work as a researcher and investigator for my local...

Ghost Story – Jane Damoiseau

Good afternoon.  I work for Morton Plant Hospital….well, actually the Powell Cancer Center on the campus of Morton Plant.  Mr. Bernie Powell, former owner of the Belleview, built the Powell Cancer Center in tribute to his daughter, Christie, who was diagnosed...

Ghost Stories – Danielle Higginbotham

I would stay in the Biltmore every year for a week in the summer. It was a girls youth group convention.  I knew from the start that there was paranormal activity. One expierence, there were many, was while there was a group of us in our room.  We were just all...